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Choosing the Right Legal Structure for Your Business in Canada: Pros and Cons of Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation, and Limited Partnership.

Apr 30 2023 by

When starting a business in Canada, it is important to choose the right legal structure for your business. There are several options available, each with its own pros and cons. The most common legal structures for businesses in Canada are sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, and limited partnership.


  1. Sole Proprietorship

This is the simplest and most common form of business in Canada. A sole proprietorship is a business owned and operated by one person. This option requires minimal paperwork and legal fees, and the owner has full control over the business. However, the owner is personally liable for all business debts and legal issues, and the business may be harder to sell or transfer to others.

Example: John wants to start a small landscaping business. He decides to set up a sole proprietorship to keep things simple and avoid the costs and paperwork associated with other business structures. John is the sole owner and operator of the business. He has complete control over the business, makes all the decisions, and is responsible for all aspects of the business. He can also keep all the profits. However, John is also personally liable for all business debts and legal issues. If the business incurs debt or gets sued, John’s personal assets could be at risk.


  • John has full control over the business.
  • Setting up a sole proprietorship is easy and inexpensive.
  • John can keep all the profits.


  • John is personally liable for all business debts and legal issues.
  • John may find it harder to raise funds or get loans for the business.
  • The business may be harder to sell or transfer to others.


  1. Partnership

A partnership is a business owned by two or more people who share profits and losses. Partnerships can be general (where all partners share equally in the profits and losses) or limited (where some partners have limited liability and control). Partnerships are easy and inexpensive to set up, but partners are personally liable for business debts and legal issues, and partnerships may be harder to dissolve or transfer.

Example: Sarah and Tom want to start a small accounting firm together. They decide to set up a general partnership to share profits and losses equally. They are both owners and operators of the business, and they both have equal control over the business. They can also share the responsibilities and workload. However, both Sarah and Tom are personally liable for all business debts and legal issues. They may also have disagreements about how to run the business, and it may be harder to dissolve or transfer the partnership in the future.


  • Sarah and Tom can share the profits and responsibilities equally.
  • Setting up a partnership is easy and inexpensive.
  • They can benefit from each other’s skills and expertise.


  • Sarah and Tom are personally liable for all business debts and legal issues.
  • Disagreements between partners may arise, which can affect the business.
  • The partnership may be harder to dissolve or transfer in the future.


  1. Corporation

A corporation is a separate legal entity from its owners (shareholders), and it can own assets, enter into contracts, and sue or be sued. Corporations offer limited liability protection to shareholders, but they are more complex and expensive to set up and operate. Corporations are also subject to more regulation and formalities, such as holding annual meetings and filing annual reports.

Example: Jane wants to start a technology company and raise capital from investors. She decides to set up a corporation to protect her personal assets and attract investors. Jane is the founder and CEO of the corporation, and she owns a significant portion of the shares. The corporation is a separate legal entity from Jane and has its own assets, liabilities, and legal status. Shareholders in the corporation have limited liability protection, and they can benefit from the profits and growth of the corporation. However, corporations are more complex and expensive to set up and operate, and they are subject to more regulation and formalities.


  • Jane has limited liability protection for her personal assets.
  • The corporation can raise capital through the sale of stocks.
  • The corporation can exist beyond the life of its owners.


  • Setting up and operating a corporation is complex and expensive.
  • The corporation is subject to more regulation and formalities.
  • There may be conflicts among shareholders that affect the business.


  1. Limited Partnership (LP)

 A limited partnership is a business structure that has both general partners and limited partners. The general partners are responsible for managing the business and have unlimited liability for the debts of the business. The limited partners are investors who do not participate in the day-to-day management of the business and have limited liability. Limited partnerships are often used for real estate ventures, private equity, and venture capital investments.

Example: In a real estate scenario, suppose John and Jane want to invest in a rental property, but they don’t have enough funds to finance the purchase themselves. They can form an LP with John as the general partner, responsible for managing the property and taking on the unlimited liability, and Jane as the limited partner, who invests in the business and is liable only for the amount of her investment. By forming an LP, John and Jane can limit their personal liability and pool their funds to purchase the property, which they can then rent out to generate income.


  • Limited personal liability for limited partners: Jane can invest in the rental property without worrying about her personal assets being at risk in case of any legal disputes.
  • Access to additional funding and expertise: John and Jane can combine their resources to invest in the property and leverage their expertise in property management to ensure the success of the venture.
  • Tax advantages for limited partners: As a limited partner, Jane can claim tax deductions for her investment in the LP, and the income generated by the rental property will be taxed at her personal tax rate.


  • Unlimited personal liability for general partners: John, as the general partner, will be personally liable for any debts or legal issues that arise in the operation of the rental property.
  • General partners have control over the business: John will have complete control over the management of the rental property, which could lead to conflicts with Jane if they disagree on the direction of the business.
  • Additional reporting and compliance requirements: An LP has more complex reporting and compliance requirements than a sole proprietorship or partnership.

In this scenario, forming an LP is a good option for John and Jane because it allows them to limit their personal liability, pool their resources to invest in the property, and take advantage of tax benefits. However, it’s important to note that LPs are not suitable for all businesses and industries, and consulting with a lawyer or accountant is recommended to determine the best legal structure for your specific circumstances.

Overall, the best option for a business in Canada will depend on its unique circumstances and goals. From a legal perspective, a corporation is often considered the best option since it offers limited liability protection for shareholders. From a business perspective, the best option may depend on the specific needs of the business, such as the need for capital, control, and flexibility. From a tax perspective, the best option may depend on the amount of income the business generates and the tax rates for each legal structure.

It is important to consult with a lawyer or accountant before choosing a legal structure for your business to ensure that you choose the option that is best for your specific situation.

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